This list is designed for performing artists, directors, choreographers, programmers, rehearsal directors, critics, dramaturges, producers, and anyone committed to enhancing the arts industry. Click the link below to skip to:
- OFEN Resources: Created by OFEN Co-Arts, these resources are specifically tailored for our community. When materials have different authors, proper credit has been provided.
- OFEN Directory: This index offers valuable resources for dancers and leaders, including websites, articles, books, activist groups, arts institutions, medical contacts, and networking tools.
- Free Online Courses for Dancers: We provide two complimentary courses developed in part by OFEN Co-Arts, available to you anytime and anywhere.
OFEN Resources
OFEN Directory
Note: We aim to update this page regularly, but it may not always be up-to-date. If you notice any outdated information or think something is missing, please reach out and notify us.
- Handvest – A statement of solidarity between artists who agree to no longer accept un(der)paid work in public activities that take place at or for organizations with fixed-income employees.
- Engagement – an artist-led movement tackling sexual harassment, sexism and abuse of power in the Belgian arts field.
- State of the Arts (SOTA) – an open platform to reimagine the conditions that shape the art world today.
- Juist is Juist (What’s right is right) – defines clear and fair principles and practices for collaborating in the arts sector. For all disciplines. And for all parties involved.
- Cultuurloket – offers business support for the cultural sector.
- Podiumkunsten – skills and development organisation of the professional performing arts and music sector in the Flemish Community.
- Demos – non-partisan public research and advocacy organization focusing on social and policy developments in culture, youth work and sports.
- Radiantly burning out and stacking stones – Barbara Raes
- Artist Commons – interdisciplinary artist-organised platform
- Genderkamer – complaints about discrimination
- Whistle While You Work – promotes conversation around harassment, discrimination, and violence towards women and marginalized groups particularly while at work in the arts, especially in professional dance and performance.
- Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (Dance Federation Germany) – the umbrella organization for dance in Germany, providing advocacy, funding, professional development, and support for dancers and choreographers. They often work on improving working conditions and policies in the dance sector.
- Dancersconnect – a neutral and informal platform aimed at professional dancers. Goals include: tackle important topics (including #metoo, abuse of power, increasing diversity, medical care, minimum wage, contracts and labor law); to break down segregation between different professional dance sectors; to broaden unionization.
- The Themis Trust Center Against Sexual Harassment and Violence (Die Themis Vertrauensstelle gegen sexuelle Belästigung und Gewalt)
- TAMED – German Association for Dance Medicine
- DFDK Freelance min fee recommendation – the Federal Association of Independent Performing Arts’ (BFDK) recommendation of a min fee for performing artists (which had not been adjusted since 2017).
- Künstlersozialkasse (Artists’ Social Insurance Fund) – a government-run fund that provides artists with access to subsidised health and social insurance.
- GDBA (Genossenschaft Deutscher Bühnen-Angehöriger; aka. The Union), the oldest and largest stage trade union for theatre professionals, offers members free legal advice and protection, as well as individual and ensemble consulting in case of conflicts.
- Ver.di Performing Arts Section (also a Union) – one of Germany’s largest labor unions, and their performing arts section advocates for the rights of dancers and performing artists. They offer legal support, collective bargaining, and assistance with contract negotiations.
- Francesca d’Ath – Web design with an emphasis on accessibility, intersectionality, social justice, and the arts. (not your ‘diversity’ hire, tho.)
- Reinventing Organisations book by Frédéric Laloux (Illustrated version)
- Reinventing Organizations Wiki – A practical guide for leaders who are reinventing their organization and are looking for inspiration as they upgrade specific management practices in their organization. (based on the book Reinventing Organizations by Frédéric Laloux).
- The Dance Passport – a source of support for professional dancers in the context of mobility
- Books on the Move – a traveling bookstore that go to theaters and festivals in France and Europe
- Freelancer Talk – help freelancers working in the creative industries build their own professional support system by becoming part of an empowering and enriching international community.
- International Federation of Actors (FIA) – a global federation of performers’ trade unions, guilds and professional associations.
- Counselling for Dancers – Website for psychotherapist Terry Hyde
- Minding the Gap – Mental health for dancers website
- IADMS – International Association for dance medicine and science.
- Dance Veilig (Safe Dance Alliance) – aim is to bring the dance sector together, make it more socially safe and thus contribute to connecting and making people happy through dance.
- Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland (CVSN) – Independent confidentiality advisors for everyone in the dance sport sector.
- MORES Foundation – Independent confidentiality advisors for dancers and members of the arts, culture, and dance education sectors.
FNV Kiem (Creative Professionals Union) – part of the Dutch labor union federation and represents artists, musicians, and dancers. They offer legal support, help with contract negotiations, and provide protection against unfair labor practices.
Meldpunt Vertrouwensinspecteurs (Trust Inspectors Reporting Point) – a reporting point for inappropriate behaviour, sexual harassment, bullying, and abuse in educational settings, including dance schools.
Slachtofferhulp Nederland (Victim Support Netherlands) – A support organization for victims of crimes, including sexual abuse and assault. They provide emotional support, legal advice, and help with filing police reports.
Beroepsvereniging voor Danskunstenaars (Professional Association for Dance Artists – NBDK) – an association representing professional dancers in the Netherlands and offers advocacy, legal advice, and professional resources.
- GGZ Nederland (Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care) – Mental health support services that dancers can turn to for therapy, counselling, and support with issues like anxiety, depression, and stress related to their profession.
- Asociación de Profesionales de la Danza del País Vasco (ADDE) – works for the internal cohesion of the sector and the improvement of the working conditions of its professionals by intervening in public policies that affect dance at the cultural, training and employment levels.
- Dance Artists National Collective – a united group of dancers advocating for safe, equitable, and sustainable working conditions for dancers in the U.S., especially those who are most impacted by systems of oppression.
- Dancers Amplified – an artist-led organization that provides support and aid to its network of dancers with resources to better oneself, the companies they work for, and the communities they live in. With a focus on communication, knowledge sharing and information gathering.
- A forty-year career – article about burnout by Will Larson
- Doctors for Dancers – database of treatment options for Dancers and Performing Artists
Free online courses for dancers
Disrupting Harm In Dance
This is an online self-directed course offering information and tools for dancers, performers, and adjacent professionals to work more safely together.
Emerging Dance Artists
Aimed to support dance graduates in transitioning from their education to a professional career in dance, mid career and end career dancers